
11th November, 2024

Interview with Daniel Morano

8th January, 2024

Interview with Vincent Menard

23rd November, 2022

Interview with Laura Voicu

8th June, 2022

GDPR Roles Made Easy!

Many students keep asking for clarification concerning the GDPR roles.
In this video we will see them all and we will explain in details what each role is in charge of.

25th April, 2022

Interview with Pablo Pinés León

11th April, 2022

Interview with Charbel Nemnom

17th December, 2021

Log4j vulnerability

During the latest days a new critical vulnerability, CVE-2021-44228, related with Log4j was discovered and already many important companies, including Twitter, Apple, Amazon and Tesla, were affected.

Today PSYND is proposing to scan your applications for free to check if any residual Log4j vulnerabilities might be still present using Veracode, an 8 times Gartner winner for Application Security.

21st July, 2021

XTAM presentation by PSYND

Today Mauro Verderosa is presenting XTAM, from Xton Technologies, a modern PAM solution.

15th February, 2021

Privacy with DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo​ is a privacy search engine, meaning that whatever you might decide to search online, it will be kept private and your searches will not be profiled. Using the #bangs​ you can speedup and increase the quality of your searches

15th December, 2020

KeePass Password Manager

KeePass is a free password manager available for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
This is one of the best ways how to manage personal passwords, although the database should never leave your computer.

21st May, 2020

Cybercrimes (2/2) - #LearnWithPSYND

This is the second of two parts describing the steps in a cybe crime performed by an attacker.

18th May, 2020

VeraCrypt: How to generate an encrypted volume protected by a key-file

6th May, 2020

Cybercrimes (1/2) - #LearnWithPSYND

This is the first of two parts describing how the cyber crimes could be classified

21st April, 2020

VPN Security - #LearnWithPSYND

How a VPN is implemented, why could be considered secure and how you should select it.

7th April, 2020

DoS Attacks - #LearnWithPSYND

Overview about DoS attacks presented by Mauro Verderosa

1st April, 2020

GPS Tracking - #LearnWithPSYND

Understand how a mobile could be tracked presented by Mauro Verderosa

25th March, 2020

SQL Injection Attacks - #LearnWithPSYND

An overview about SQL Injection attacks presented by Mauro Verderosa

20th March, 2020

Launching - #LearnWithPSYND

First video of a series about Cyberattacks presented by Mauro Verderosa

28th January, 2020

Securing the Perimeter

During the eternal battle between open source and close/commercial source that we are assisting during the latest years, soon or later we should have expected that also something related with the secure management of the access for the employees should have arrived.

15th November, 2019

Security is never an 8 hours job

Today at 15:30 a customer called me because they had a major problem in production...

14th November, 2019

Mária Bicsi among top 50 women in Cybersecurity

Mária Bicsi was nominated among the top 50 women more influence in Cybersecurity in Europe by the SC Media UK, in an article redacted by Bonnie Butlin.

30th October, 2019

Access an encrypted volume using VeraCrypt

Some people asked me how to access to a VeraCrypt encrypted volume keyfile protected: let's see together..

24th October, 2019

Zero-Day 19: Opening by Mauro Verderosa

Mauro Verderosa is opening the third edition of the Zero-Day Conference speaking about the importance of the implementation of the correct strategy in Cybersecurity.

1st March, 2019

How to guard passwords in a safe way

As explained in another article, a way to protect our passwords against people who might wish to breach our secrets, it would be to use complex and hard passwords to guess.

25th February, 2019

How to create a complex password and don't forget it

Since a while, we are getting habit to end of the year articles that are telling us which were the most obvious and most used passwords in the previous year (in 2018 we had again in the first positions '123456' and 'password').

7th February, 2019

Spear Ransomware: Part2

Part 2: One year after the article, our prediction was correct: IBM developed a ransomware prototype able to choose specific targets. Let's see together how this is working.

15th October, 2018

Evolution vers la cryptographie quantique

Publish on RMS+: Atravers des réseaux sociaux et des applications mobiles, la société moderne fait un usage intensif de la communication. Le canal utilisé pour transmettre ces communications n'est pas toujours sécurisé, et les informations qui sont souvent échangées, bien que cryptées, ne peuvent plus être consideérées comme confidentielles car les normes que nous utilisons pour la cryptographie doivent être repensées.

8th June, 2018

PSYND & One Identity webinar

Follow up webinar after the Swiss IT Business event on the 24th - 25th April of 2018. PSYND and One Identity were the main presenters during the event held in Palexpo about IT Business

28th March, 2018

Read about the Cybersecurity thrends in 2018 from Bilan

Discover the main Cybersecurity threats forecast in 2018 directly from Bilan, the first economic magazine in Switzerland.

14th February, 2018

Privileged Identity Management with CA PAM

We see an example of Privileged Identity Management.
We see in practical how is working the SoD, the Password Vault, the Password Management, the Privileged Identity Management, the Session Recording and the Threats Analytics.

27th December, 2017

Bitcoin scam with love

More the things change, more they rest the same: 2017 presented us an old style scam attack, but this time target to your cryptocurrencies wallet. Let's discover together what could happen.

20th September, 2017

Dear CISOs: is it time to review your IAM strategy?

Another data breach led by the lack of a proper IAM strategy. How many other breaches will happen before IAM will finally enter into the business and technical mindset of the companies?

12th September, 2017

Implementing IAM for your GDPR strategy

Working on the Swiss market in the IT security field, especially with Identity & Access Management technologies, I am receiving frequently this question: How Identity & Access Management can bring you closer to the GDPR compliancy?

29th August, 2017

GDPR terminology in a nutshell

When a new regulation comes up, when a new directive has to be applied, when any kind of legal changes occur, everybody speaks about the consequences, procedures, but just a few of us takes really care about the content.

23rd August, 2017

I have nothing to hide

Still in these days I'm keeping listening people telling me that for them privacy is not important because they don't have anything to hide, but the discussion is much more complex than this..

17th July, 2017

Spear Ransomware: Part1

Part 1: This is the first of three parts about the article. We will see together how target ransomware are developing on Internet, to understand how they are evolving and what we could expect next.

19th December, 2016

Yahoo: a breach's story

New discovers about the attack to Yahoo in November 2014: apparently the attack started in August 2013, where also passwords and other sensible data were compromised, including the source code of Yahoo that allowed the second attack that allowed to bypass the authentication to the portal.

6th December, 2016

UK: a legalized privacy violation

Tuesday the 29th of November in Great Britain has been approved a new law that extends the online surveillance powers of the government and the police over the citizens. The law, called 'Investigatory Powers Act 2016', obtained the 'royal assent', that means that has been approved by the Queen, therefore it is already active.

25th November, 2016

Yahoo: the breach still echos

In November 2014 the database of Yahoo was violated by hackers that were able to penetrate the systems. The vulnerability allowed them to steal confidential information for more than 500 million accounts, but Yahoo disclosure this information to the public only in September 2016, almost 2 years later.

15th November, 2016

Privileged Identity Management principles

Introduction to the Privileged Identity Management concepts like the SoD and the Chinese Wall, plus some application commonly used in the market.

10th November, 2016

Biometric: The French Big Brother

Without grabbing the attention of the population, in France it has been approved a decree that will allow the creation of a huge database with the data of 60 million of French citizens that will collect information from the names to the addresses, from the photos to the fingerprints.

3rd November, 2016

Data Privacy: From WhatsApp to Facebook

Why the data shared with Facebook by WhatsApp should be stopped until the usage of these data won't be clarified.

26th October, 2016

The Black Friday of Internet

The Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack that took place on Friday the 21st of October 2016 could be considered the 11th of September of Internet. Without the necessary countermeasures, such attacks are destiny to be repeated.

16th February, 2016

Identity Federation Social Authentication

How the Social Authentication works with Identity Federation

9th February, 2016

Identity Federation principles

Quick introduction about what is the Identity Federation and what could provide

19th December, 2015

Defender 2FA

Lets see together what are the main steps to implement a generic connector using One Identity.

12th November, 2015

OneIdentity: how to create custom connectors

Lets see together what are the main steps to implement a generic connector using One Identity.

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